Street Turbo Application
Rated to 400hp
Labor Included:
Disassemble Head
Hot Tank/Clean
Remove/Drill/Tap/Replace Oil Port Plugs, SR Head
Remove/Replace Freeze Plugs, SR20VE Head, Threaded (Ex 16mm Std)
Remove, Reinstall, Ream Valve Guides
Replace Intake Valve Seats
Valve Job, Multi Angle
Set Valve Lash, Tip
Resurface Head
Assemble Head
Parts Included:
Supertech Valves, Std Size
(Option) Mazworx Shimless Valves, Std Intake/Std Exhaust
Supertech Valve Stem Seals
Supertech Titanium Retainers
Supertech Dual Valve Springs, SR20VE, 83lbs
Sueprtech Bronze Valve Guides
Mazworx Threaded/Oringed Freeze Plug Kit, Head, SR20VE
Core Virgin Head
SR20VE Stage .5 Flow Analysis, Intake and Exhaust

SR20VE Stock vs. Stage .5 Flow Analysis, Intake only

If you plan on sending in your head, we will wait for your head to show up before work is started. If you don't have a head and want to purchase a core, then please select the type of head you want. For the VVL heads, we have to purchase a complete motor in order to get the head. So let us know what other parts you want off the motor, so we can send them to you along with the head.
Springs and Retainers:
We use Supertech Dual Valve Springs and Titanium Retainers. Choose which set suites your application.
We recommend Kelford 184-T cams for high RPM turbo applications. For race only engines, we recommend eliminating the VVL lobe. This reduces valvetrain mass and increases oil supply to the bottom end at high rpm.
R/R/R Valve Guides:
This process removes, re-installs, and reams the valve guides. The guides are replaced with Supertech bronze valve guides. For port and polish stages 2 & 3, this process will need to be done.
Machine for Hall Sensor:
If you are using our Hall Effect Sensor Kit, we can machine the head to accept it.
Machine for 1/2" Head Studs:
If you plan on making over 600hp, then we suggest going with 1/2" head studs. In this process we drill out the head for our 1/2" head stud kit. We also re-machine the dowel pin locations for the bigger dowels.